Monday, February 05, 2007

Larger Movie Format

We recently decided to switch to offering movies in a larger format than before. This is partly because we have acquired more bandwidth to compensate of these larger downloads, and because a number of you asked for the movies to be better quality.

As you may have noticed with the higher definition version of Shopping Trip, we did plan to charge an extra dollar per movie to offset the higher operating costs, but upon reflection, this seemed unnessecary at the present time. If, eventually, bandwidth consumption rises to a really high level, we may have to defray some costs, but for now, the price of the movies will remain at the same level as before.

Several new models have been booked for shoots this month (February), and hopefully they will take place. However, because this is by no means certain, I hesitate to go posting photos as I've done in the past. It is fun to expand into new territory while continuing to film with models with whom I've worked before. The good thing about working with models multiple times is that we get to know one another and the initial awkwardness disappears, making it easier to produce better movies (in my opinion). Once they feel comfortable (well, on one level at least) working with me, they have more fun during the shoot, and I think this is reflected in the out-takes where there's often plenty of humour.

A few words about the movie survey: the theme of elegantly dressed women in situations where they simply cannot pee has been broached by a number of you now, and I'm more than happy to give you what you want, if enough of you want it. The survey, as I've intimated there, is to determine whether or not I'm likely to emerge from such a venture with my shirt still on my back. The story in question, Wedding Day, would cost about three times what I normally pay to produce a movie, so naturally I'm a little hesitant. Most (although not all) of the movies do pay their way after a while, and then go on to generate enough capital to invest in making other movies. But I would only need to have a few expensive shoots bomb before it wiped me out financially. It is, after all, still very earlier days for B2B movies.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have written with their comments about the website and the movies, for your words of encouragement and story ideas for future productions. I do consider them all, I promise you, and will make as many as I can given the constraints (!) of this kind of movie making.

Best wishes,

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