Tuesday, November 21, 2006

B2B Update on Movies and Stories

Hello again. Time to update you with news of how things are going with the movies.

The first movie, "The Insurance Investigator", was posted on 20th October 2006, followed a few days later by "An Afternoon With Nichole". Both of these movies have sold well, especially the former. I've also received quite a bit of feedback, most of it very positive. My thanks to those who wrote to me.

One of the interesting aspects to emerge from posting the movies has been the interest in what goes on behind the scenes. There is certainly plenty to tell - each shoot has its own issues, and each model experiences several desperation crises. Rather than relay specific incidents one at a time, it occurred to me that it would be worth collecting these into an on-line, downloadable magazine, or eZine, containing the back-story on each shoot, and some photos.

I am therefore planning to set up a subscriber option, so that if you're interested in receiving news about the movies, you will be able to sign-up. I plan to include behind the scenes information on the making of completed movies, as well as announcements about forthcoming movies, who in scheduled to star in them. I've decided to call this on-line magazine the "B2B-Zine".

News on Stories:

These have been appearing less frequently of late because of the time it takes to prepare movie scripts, then film, edit and post the movies. However, I have certainly not lost interest in posting stories, and will be writing more in the near future. At the moment, I am working on a sequel to last year's "The Extra Christmas Present", called "Amanda's Revenge". I very much like the Julia and Amanda characters, both of whom have some foundation in reality. I used to know a girl a lot like Julia who had a youthful, good-looking mother, and both of them were into, shall we say, alternative interests! It was a fun time, but all good things...

Recently, several people have written to me offering stories in the near future. I hope they pan out so that the archive can continue to grow.

Have a great Thanksgiving, if you're in America.

All the best,

Friday, July 21, 2006

Welcome to the Bound2Burst Blog Page

Updated: 28 September 2006

The survey to establish interest in movies had about 200 unique hits during its first week, which isn't bad. It looks like it might be worth trying this, and as you have probably noticed, I'm working on engaging a few models to star in the movies. It will probably take a bit of time - established models like to work in studios and request a lot of money. Studios are out as far as I'm concerned since it means bringing too many people into the mix, not to mention paying the studio as well, if they'd even let me film this kind of stuff. That's when we get into serious overheads and the cost of the movies would sky-rocket. I don't believe in using middle men if i can help it, so I'm going for the "on location" type of filming. Whether or not any models will agree to that, I don't know.

One of you did point me towards a couple of established models. I approached them both, but no commitment yet. I'm not holding my breath, however. All the same, many thanks for offering the suggestion. If anyone else knows of freelance models who want to earn some cash, please let me know. Locating them is the tough part. Modeling agencies are certainly not going to be of any help! Besides, I think amateur models are more likely to answer our needs, and with some coaching I hope they will be able to do what is required for the movies. I'll let you know if and when we have a firm filming schedule.

At this stage, I can't really tell how expensive production is going to be, so the actual price of sale of each movie willhave to be governed by that. I'll do my best not to make it expensive though.

If we do make some movies, we shall then have to choose between selling them individually and setting up part of the site up as a monthly subscription area for access to all movies. The latter might be better in terms of a steady income to keep the production going, but that would also mean a commitment to making regular movies, and that isn't certain yet. Let's play it by ear.

If anyone has suggestions to make, I shall be pleased to receive them.
